Animal Abuser Gets Probation

by Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | Mar 3, 2004
Animal Abuser Gets Probation A south New Jersey man was sentenced Tuesday in a deadly case of animal abuse.

A dog's mouth was taped shut and the animal was left to die. The sentence has outraged animal rights activists.

"I'm very sorry that this took place and I apologize to everybody," said Robert Lamano.

Lamano, 25, expressed remorse for the abuse he inflicted on his dog, nicknamed Rusty. The dog was discovered last September wandering the streets with his mouth taped shut with black electrical tape.

The tape kept the animal from eating, drinking or even barking for help. The tape had been there so long his nose had rotted and Rusty had to be euthanized.

"Your honor, this was a horrible and outrageous act. It resulted in the death of a helpless animal," said William Brennan, the prosecutor.

Attorneys struck a plea bargain with Lamono and he was sentenced to two years' probation and community service for the crime.

For animal rights activists, the punishment is much too lenient. They think he should do some time behind bars.

"Rusty died a slow, horrible death and we just don't see any justice in this case," said Dennis Broton, of the Salem County Humane Society.

According to court documents, Lamano claimed he duct-taped the dog's mouth to keep it from biting him during a bath and then the dog ran away.

The case received national attention and animal rights activists flooded the judge with more than 500 letters protesting the lack of jail time.

The case even resulted in the state of New Jersey upgrading animal cruelty to a third degree crime.

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Author: Copyright 2004 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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